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That depends on the exact circumstances. Solid friction hardly depends on the speed at all. In fluid friction, the situation is more complicated. Usually there is some range of speeds for which friction is more or less proportional to speed; at higher speeds, the force of friction may even become proportional to the square of the speed.

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Friction affects speed by slowing it down. For example, when you roll a toy car, it eventually slows down and stops because of friction.

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Q: How does speed affect friction?
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Speed does not affect the force of friction.

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Speed is a scalar (non-directional) representation of velocity. Friction affects the magnitude of both and the direction of velocity.

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Friction does not affect inertia, but it affects momentum. Momentum is the product of the mass of an object and its speed. Friction forces, if present, will always act to decrease the momentum of a moving object.

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Friction and Gravitational forces

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Yes it does. The more "rough" the texture is, the more friction there will be. This will cause a decrease in speed and acceleration.

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Any and every object that's moving through air at speed is affected by air friction.

How does the speed of an object affect the friction between solid surfaces?

Ff = μs Fn

What factors do not contribute to friction?

My textbook says speed between two surfaces does not affect friction.

Can speed affect friction force?

Actually, friction does depend on velocity. If you stop your car you have to ease up on the brakes as you slow down because friction increases as you slow down. This effect has been observed for objects travelling at bullet velocities. Friction decrease as speed increases.

Will the speed of the object affect the amount of friction between object and the surface?

No. The speed of the object does not affect the amount of friction between an object and the surface. Friction is affected by the types of surfaces in contact, smoother surfaces produce less friction, and the weight of the object moving horizontally affects the resistance relative to the two surfaces in contact. Greater weight causes greater resistance.

How does friction with the atmosphere affect the speed of an artificial satellite?

Satellites in a low orbit, however, are slowed by friction with Earth's atmosphere.

How air friction affect momentum?

AIr friction will try to slow down any item moving through air, and as the speed is reduced so is the momentum.