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(unintended) Mold on cheese permeates the entire brick due to the effect of the spore. Health officials recommend that you discard any cheese that has signs of (unintended) mold.

For cheeses that are normally not strong smelling (cheddar, fresh cheeses, etc.) a strong "pee-like" smell indicates that the cheese is spoiled.

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It would probably smell bad.

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Q: Cheddar cheese smells strong is it spoiled?
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Is mature cheddar cheese a hard cheese?

No it is a soft cheese made from water buffalo milk.

How do you get brusho dye of skin?

rub a strong cheddar cheese onto it,then rinse and your hands should be as good as new!!:)

Can foxes eat strong cheese?

Most foxes will not hunt cheese unless forced due to starving. Signs of a fox based cheese hunt are, foxy smells, discarded water biscuits wrappers, baby bell waxy bits fashioned into rabbit shapes, grapes, dry white wine spillage and some dead or dying brie/cheddar/red leicester etc.

What is the difference between American and cheddar cheeses?

One type of Cheese has a sharper, more strong taste.One tastes and looks very different.

What are some strong smells?

One of the strongest smelling foods is a mixture of Cayenne chili pepper and moldy bleau cheese.

What does aged cheddar taste like?

It tastes much like normal cheddar however it is much richer in flavour. Quite a dilicous cheese in small doses but if you eat too much of it you may find it is too strong. I much prefer it to normal cheddar but that is my personal opinion. Try it yourself! -Oleg

What is the proper way to make cheese?

There is no "proper" way to make cheese,but there is a common way.The most common way to make cheese that i am fond of is to add bacteria into milk to create cheese and other dairy products (such as cream).

Is mature cheddar strong?

Yes it is .

What if ground turkey smells bad?

If it smells bad, it is probably spoiled and should be discarded.

What is considered processed cheese?

Cheddar, mozzarella, asiago, monterey jack, provalone and many other cheeses natural unprocessed cheeses. The cheese that comes in a can that you would squirt on crackers is processed. Velveeda cheese is another processed cheese!

How much is grams of grated cheese?

This depends on whether you mean how much is it in monitory terms or gram weight. An ounce is a 16th of a pound or it is 16 drams or it is 28.349 grams. Cheddar cheese is made and sold all over the World, but only "true" Cheddar is made in the town of Cheddar in Somerset in England. In monitory terms some cheese sellers would give you an ounce of Cheddar as a taster. Go to any "Farmer's Market" in the UK and they are giving very generous samples away. If you went into a supermarket to buy an ounce of Cheddar it would probably cost around 15p to 25p depending on the quality, age, maturity or strength and whether you buy it in a Deli or a Supermarket. Whilst I'm on the subject of cheese, a strong cheese is not definitely a mature cheese and visa versa. What makes a cheese strong is the amount of salt that they put in it.

What are two great tastes that tastes great together?

Jarlsberg cheese and Cox's Russet Apples. That or almost any cheese and apple. Not often know about. I personally prefer smooth nutty cheeses the tartest being a strong cheddar for this simple but lovely snack.