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Not much. It wasn't radioactive, it couldn't do much but beep on a radio frequency.

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Q: How does sputnik affect the people around it?
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What was Sputnik 1 and 2?

Sputnik 1 and Sputnik 2 were artificial satellites that traveled around the Earth. People thought that Sputnik 1 was spying on them, but all it did was transmit a simple tracking signal for 3 weeks.

How did the soviets launch of sputnik affect America?

It frightened america

Who were the people aboard sputnik?

No one was onboard Sputnik, it was an unmanned satellite.

Where was the sputnik?

It was in orbit around Earth.

Who did Sputnik 1 orbit first?

Sputnik I? The Russian (Soviet Union) satellite? Well, the Soviet Union had successfully launched this satellite, so the Russians were indeed involved. I am pretty sure that only the Soviet Union was involved (even though Sputnik I was part of the Space Race, the American people did not have anything to do with the satellite).

How many times did the sputnik orbit around the earth?

Sputnik I completed 1,440 orbits before falling back to earth.

Who is sputnik and what is he famous for?

Sputnik was a series of satellites built and launched by the then Soviet union. Sputnik 1 and 2 became the first two man made objects to attain orbit around the Earth.

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Why were people scared of sputnik?

They thought it was a Russian spy satellite

Why was there not a sputnik 4?

Because the Sputnik program ended with Sputnik 3. Albeit there was a Sputnik 40 and 41 but these were to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Sputnik 1.