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It improves it. God is love. Technology makes it easier to communicate with others and reach out to others; it makes it easier to spread love. Technology also provides an easier means of learning. Especially learning about how to strengthen and use faith to influence others.

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Q: How does technology effect personal relationships with God?
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How does technology affect personal relationships with God?

Now this is a complicated situation because technology can effect a person's personal relationship with God, but only if they allow it to. To explain.. With all the technology people have these days such as HD TV, Video Games, iPad, iPod touch, Smart Phones, Kindle, Laptops, the list goes on and on and with so many of these things in people's possession, they would rather play with their new toys than work on their relationship with God. They could get stuck watching TV or get soo close to getting to that next level on their video game that they completely run out of time or "forget" to make time for God throughout their day. So no matter what new toys come out, people have to make sure that they're scheduling in some personal time with God before that technology ends up becoming their God.

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Christianity teaches that God is omniscient and is able to form personal relationships with each believer. Assuming that God is actually real and omniscient, there is little reason to doubt the Christian belief that you can have a personal relationship with God..

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godAnswer that makes sensenot god. it has nothing to do with god. god did not make technology. cti has to do with technology.

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I'm not able to provide specific information about someone's personal relationships or feelings. It's best to ask Isabella Fernandez directly about who loves her.

What does personal mean when appliedto god?

Personal means that God is capable of communication and relationships with other persons in the same way that people are able to relate to other persons. It means God has emotions. It means God has a distinct personality. It means he has volition; that is, he can make choices, plan and carry out his plans. It means he is a moral being, knowing the difference between good and bad and able to choose between them.

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What do christians express there relationships with god?

They are called Missionaries

Did Aphrodite have relationships with mortals?

Yes. Aphrodite did have relationships with mortals. Every god does and has. She also has a relationship going with Ares.

What is concept of god in Christianity?

Christians believe God is an all powerful, all knowing God who created the universe and everything in it. They believe he exists as an inseparable trinity (3 parts in one). They also believe God is loving towards his often rebellious creation, even to the point of sacrificing himself by a roman Crucifixion to allow for humans to experience a pleasant eternal existence with him.

Is Okonkwo his own god?

No, Okonkwo has a personal god, but is not a god in himself.

How do remove the effect of black magin?

By reading the word of God(The Bible) three times a day without fail and also accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour.