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It can effect a tornadoes temperature by it depends like if it was in an cold place(which that never happens)it would probably be short or not long i think and i saying this is what ni think it doesnt mean it is probably not true but thanks for reading it sorry if it probably did not answer it for you so im sorry

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Q: How does temperature affect the eye of a tornado?
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Where is the eye of the tornado?

The "eye" of a tornado is at the center of the funnel.

Can tornadoes affect the temperature or climate?

Tornadoes do not affect climate. Climate is the long term trend in weather patterns while a tornado is a short lived effect. Temperature inside a tornado is lower than it is in the surrounding environment. However, you would only experience this while inside the tornado itself.

Is the top of a tornado is called a eye?

No. The eye of a tornado is a calm, clear area at the tornado's center.

What is the temperature for a tornado?

Tornadoes don't form at an exact temperature, as they depend upon a wide variety of complex factors of which temperature is just one. It is highly unusual to see them in temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, though not unheard of, particularly at high elevations. Tornadoes form best when very warm, moist air is available. The most severe events have been preceded be temperatures in the mid 80s to the 90s.

Where is the eye of a tornado?

The eye of a tornado, similar to the eye of a hurricane, is a relatively calm area at the center of the storm.

Why is the eye of the tornado?

The eye of a tornado is a relatively calm area that can sometimes be found at the tornado's center, similar to the ey of a hurricane.

How big is the eye of tornado usually?

A tornado does not always have an eye. When it does it can be about a quarter of the width of the funnel.

What is the calmest part in a Tornado?

The eye of the tornado is the calmest part of a tornado.

Is it true that if you stand in the eye of a tornado it won't hurt you?

No. Although the eye of a tornado is calm, you have to get through the extreme winds of the core to get in and out. The eye of a tornado is small enough that unless the tornado is large and slow-moving, you will not be in the eye for more than a few seconds.

What is the centre of a tornado called?

The Centre of the tornado is the Eye.

What damage does the eye of the tornado do?

The eye of a tornado itself most likely does not do damage as radar analysis and eyewitness testimony show that they eye of a tornado is calm like the eye of a hurricane. The wind and debris surrounding the eye is what causes damage.

Why is the eye of the tornado safe?

It isn't. Although the eye of a tornado is relatively calm, to get to it you have to go through the core winds of the tornado. It would be impossible to stay in the eye for very long.