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Q: How does temperature affect the rising time of dough?
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Related questions

How might the amount of sugar affect how high the dough rises?

Sugar levels in rising bread do not change the level of rise as much as they decrease the rising time. Add more sugar to rush the rise if you're in a hurry.

What temperature do you use for yummy dough?

Every dough recipe should have a suggested temperature and time, but if you are just guessing you should go maybe 325-350

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Why does bread rise when yeast is added?

Yeast is added to bread along with moisture and sugar, and the dough is kept in a moist, warm environment. During this rising time, the yeast consumes the sugar in the dough and release CO2 gas, which is trapped in the dough and causes the dough to rise. When the dough is baked, the yeast is killed, but the bubbles created by the gas remain.

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How does temperature of water affect the time it takes to freeze into ice cubes?

because it depens in the temperature of the ?

What is the name of the process where dough rises?

The word used for the action of bread rising is proof; rising bread is proofing. the climate controlled box you put yeast dough in to rise is called a proofer.

Is quantity of substance related with boiling point?

No, the quantity doesn't affect the temperature but it may (and usually does) affect the time taken for a substance to achieve that temperature.

What are three factor that affect creep?

Temperature, Time, and load

Is it the time spent needing the dough that helps bread rise or allowing dough to double in size before going to the oven?

It's a combination of both, kneading develops the gluten in the flour so that as the yeast works and produces gas, the gas is trapped within the glutens structure thus causing the dough to rise. Typically ten minutes kneading by hand, or 5 minutes with a mixer dough hook. 1 to 1 1/2 hours rising time is needed for the dough to double in size. kneading is hard work by hand but the pulling and stretching the dough I believe gives a better result.

What is a old dough?

old dough has time to ferment a bit, which adds flavor to the bread.

Does eating ice cream affect your mouth temperature?

for a short time yes