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Testosterone doesnt make a person bald. Testosterone triggers hair growth, the diameter of the hair increase.

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Q: How does testoserone makes you bald because I am in puberty and I'm worrying about this testoserone thing?
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How does puberty?

it makes your penis have spurm

How is puberty related to reproduction?

Puberty is related to reproduction because once a female is in puberty i.e on her periods now and then she releases an egg so when she is having sexual intercourse with a male who is also in puberty the sperm cells will reach the egg causing reproduction.

What does puberty help with in the future?

Puberty is the process of sexual maturation. It makes it possible to reproduce in the future.

Why do you have growth spurts?

because our brains tell us that where going through puberty and then we get a sudden craving for food which makes us grow taller.

How does it feel when your balls drop?

it feels nice and makes u stop worrying about your balls

Does your rib cage get larger during puberty?

well yes because puberty has a great many growth spurts which makes mainly your legs, arms, and spine grow but several times the rib cage grows along with the rest of the body.

Is there a way to get into puberty faster?

Nope it just your body who makes that decision

Emotions and feelings can change in puberty because of?

Hormones and the fact that the brain is not fully developed yet which makes teens and kids make decisions that aren't rational.

What homone makes a boy develop a deep voice when he reaches puberty?

Testosterone is the predominant hormone in puberty in males, including deepening of the voice.

What is in your blood that makes you start growing fast during puberty?

It is male and female hormones on the increase that helps you grow quicker during puberty.

Does having a baby make you an adult?

No, passing through Puberty makes you an adult.