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Q: How does that difference in distance affect the wave speed?
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What are three things that can affect the size of a wave?

the wind speed,wind duration and the distance the wave is traveling

Does wave speed depend on wave amplitude?

No. Wave speed depends on frequency and wavelength, not amplitude.

What two things that can affect the amount of diffraction of a wave?

Diffraction of a wave depends on wave and speed

What is the distance a wave travels in a certain amount of time is called what?

The distance that a wave travels in a certain amount of time is a wavelength. Wrong,it's speed.(:

Does wave length affect wave speed?


How does changing the frequency affect the wave speed?

The speed of a wave doesn't depend on its frequency.

Does the amplitude affect on the wavelength or wave speed?

No, the amplitude of a wave does not affect the wavelength or wave speed. The wavelength is determined by the frequency of the wave, while the wave speed is determined by the medium through which the wave is traveling. Amplitude simply represents the maximum displacement of particles in the wave.

Which of these is the measure of distance a wave travels over time?

wave speed

How do you find wave speed?

To estimate the speed of a wave, a person can estimate the distance the wave is from shore and then time how long the wave takes to reach the shore. For example, if a wave is one mile out and it takes one minute to reach shore, the wave is traveling at 60 miles per hour.

What wave property affects the speed of a wave?

Both the wavelength and the frequency of a wave affect the speed of a wave.

The difference between frequency of a wave and the period of a wave?

Frequency: number of cycles per second. Period: the distance between two crests. The period depends not only on the frequency, but also on the wave's speed.

Explain the difference between a wave and a wavelength?

A wave is a normal wave and a wave length is the wave Height or distance