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through the system of checks and balances

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Q: How does the Constitution ensure that the new federal government of the US doesn't abuse its power?
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How does Article II section 2 of the U.S. Constitution limit the power of the federal government?

When the US Constitution was ratified by the states, the delegates wanted to insure that the new Federal government had limited powers. To ensure this all powers not delegated to the Federal government, all powers not assigned to the Federal government are powers left to each state to decide.

Which principle was adopted in the U.S. Constitution to ensure that no one branch of the federal government became too powerful?

checks and balances

How did the Philadelphia convention delegates ensure ratification of the constitution?

The delegates of the Constitutional Convention added the Bill of Rights to the Constitution as a compromise between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists to ensure ratification. This limited the power of the federal government and solidified power for the states.

Was John Marshall in favor of the Constitution?

Absolutely. Marshall was a loyal federalist who strongly believed in the value of the Constitution. As Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, he helped ensure the Articles of the Constitution empowered the federal government.

What are some characteristics of Australian Government?

-We are a federation, with States and a Federal Government -We have a seperation of powers to ensure checks and balances -Australia is a hybrid of systems, primarily the system of Westminster government with some features taken from Washington.

How did the government under the constitution guarantee that people on the frontier would be loyal to it and what was the impact on the Native Americans?

To ensure loyalty of the territories on the Frontier, was to make those places not subject to any states who did not have a legitimate claim. Article IV Section 3 of the Constitution ensured that the frontier was governed by the Federal Government.

How did the constitution ensure limited governent?

It specifically states what powers the government has. (NovaNet)

The constitution limits the powers of government to those granted by who?

the Constitution of the united states of America

What does US federal government use to ensure laws are fair and are equally applied?

The 14th amendment of the constitution ensures that the US government applies laws that are fair and equally applied. The 14th amendment is also known as the Equal Protection Clause.

The federal government has become the dominant player in federal state relations?

The federal government has become the dominant player in federal state relations. This is to assist the states to work cohesively with the national government and ensure that resources are distributed in an equitable manner.

To avoid having too much power concentrated in one branch of government the framers of the Constitution established what?

To ensure that one branch of government wouldn't hold all the power, the system of checks and balances was created.

Why did federal law have to be the supreme law of the land in the new nation?

The states were given certain powers to create laws within their own territory. To ensure that no one group of government was too powerful the federal government had to provide for the protection of all citizens in the Union. The only way to provide these protections was to have the federal government oversee the basic laws met the rights and freedoms granted under the U.S. Constitution.