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Q: How does the EMT stabilize the spine?
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What muscles in the back help stabilize the spine?

the muscles in the back help stablize the spine

Where would you place your hands to manually stabilize a cervical spine?

on the head and shoulders

When treating a spine fracture what do you stabilize a patient on before taking x-rays?


How do you turn someone from the Prone to the Supine position?

Have your partner stabilize the patients spine and then log roll them.

What is lumbar interbody fusion-transforaminal?

TLIF or Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion is a surgery used to stabilize the spine. This procedure is used to stabilize the shock absorbers between the vertebrae.

What is the antagonist muscle of the multifidus?

The antagonist muscle of the multifidus is the rectus abdominis. The rectus abdominis is responsible for flexing the lumbar spine, while the multifidus helps to extend and stabilize the spine.

When immobilizing a patient with a kyphotic spine to a long backboard the EMT would most likely have to?

Place blankets behind the patient's head.

What is the synonym of the word 'parametric'?

The word paramedic, meaning an emergency medical technician that is trained to stabilize individuals in various traumas and transport them to a medical facility, is synonomous with EMT.

How would a basic EMT treat a knife wound to the chest?

Stabilize the knife by wrapping towels around it. DO NOT REMOVE. Call for ALS if possible. Transport emergent to a hospital.

Is the Multifidus muscle a voluntary or involuntary muscle?

It is both. I involuntarily contracts to stabilize the spine just before you move to do something. Also, you are able to move it on your own.

Does the perchs dorsal fin have spines?

yes, its spines are used to help it stabilize

What does the root EMT mean?

EMT is not a root.