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The Most Holy Eucharist, and Its effects are covered in paragraphs 1322-1419, and others in The Catechism of the Catholic Church. Keeping in mind that the Eucharist is nothing other than the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, of the God-man, Jesus Christ; a worthy reception of the Holy Communion would make you a saint instantly. Few of us ever make "worthy" Holy Communions, although we are certainly to try. We do this first of all by regular reception of the sacrament of penance (no less than once a month, and preferably every week or two), a good preparation before Mass, and a good Thanksgiving after Mass. God is giving us everything in giving us Himself, and we can only benefit from it, if we try to be as pure as possible, not only in our lives, as in free from sin, but pure in our motives, and humble before the greatness of Almighty God. If we cultivate this holiness and humbleness through regular prayer, regular reception of the sacraments of Penance and the Eucharist, then we will align our wills with that of God, and begin to make the correct decisions for our lives. Some of the effects of worthy reception of the Eucharist include: cleanses and separates us from sin, commits us to the poor, communicates the mystery of the communion of the Holy Trinity, establishes the community of believers, as a foretaste of the future life, as growth in Christian life, as an increase of the grace received in Baptism, as the source of conversion and penance, as spiritual food, transforms man through Christ, unites with Christ, unites Christians, unites with the heavenly liturgy, we participate in Christ's sacrifice. (from the Index of the Catechism on the effects of the Eucharist.)

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