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The deeds of an individual accumulate either good karma or bad karma throughout their life. The effects of these "karma deposits" are evident as the person continues their life. Minor things (such as helping someone with their groceries) might result in it being paid back in that life. Bigger things (such as committing a murder) will result in the actions being seen in that life and also later lives.

However, one should not do anything to get "good karma." Any deed should be done for the sake of doing it and not for the fruits that come of it. For example, if you help someone carry their things you should not expect to find some money on the street.

Karma and Reincarnation:Aim of Karma

Contrary to popular belief, the aim of Karma is not to enable us to lead a good life but to filter of thought that produce positive or negative emotions and allow just unemotional thoughts.

In the absence of changes we can lead a life with just pure mighty and inexhaustible Involuntary force, which is nothing but Moksha.

Mechanism of Karma:

Karma is based on the mechanism called Competitive blockade.

Competitive blockade:

If two thoughts try to enter our conscious mind at precisely the same time it leads to blanking of our mind.

We can use thoughts from our past to block our present thoughts that produce either positive or negative emotions.

Competitive blockade and reasoning:

We can block any thought with any thought. However, to make our life look reasonable we must block present positive emotions with positive emotions only and negative emotions with negative emotions only.

Karma and Reincarnation:

We see that there is absolutely no relationship between our contribution to our society and the rewards the society offers us. We see that antisocial elements are more rewarded than we, who have devoted our lives to the society.

To explain this paradox we believe in past and future lives.

1. If we can't find any good deed in the life of a highly respected criminal we can assume that in his past life he had made great sacrifices to the society.

2. We can continue our social work with the belief that we would be rewarded in our future lives.

Thus, Karma and Reincarnation work together to enable us to attain Moksha even when the injustice in our society forces us to discard Dharma.

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