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It doesn't. It uses vast amounts of resources to further humankind's delusion that it can spread itself across planets and the cosmos. Meanwhile on earth, humankind fattens itself to the point of absurdity in developed countries whilst those in poorer nations starve to death under the stars.

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Q: How does the International Space Station help earth?
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How does the international space station help the space exploration?

It does stuff.

How did the International Space Station help the space exploration?

Not nearly as well as it should have.

Who help build the International Space Station?

the NASA Team

What is the purpose of the new space robot at the International Space Station?

it will help the astronauts make repairs on the ISS without having to do a space walk

Why was the International Space Station built?

so we can perform experiments to better man kind and to learn more about space to help space travel

How would fans affect a fire on the International Space Station?

If there is oxygen on the space station, a fire could burn. Fans do not produce oxygen, but they could help spread the fire.

What is the purpose of Space Stations?

The mission of the International Space Station is to enable long-term exploration of space and provide benefits to people on Earth. With six state-of-the-art laboratories, the Space Station will be the premiere research facility in space, four times larger and more capable than any previous space station. It is hoped that it will allow for advancements in medicine, technology and science. For example, studies in micro and hyper gravity will help researchers better understand its effects on humans and offer insight into how the human body works. Growing protein crystals in a space environment can help scientists create better treatment for numerous diseases that currently have no cure. In addition, the laboratories on the Space Station will allow for innovative space research projects to improve our understanding of the Earth's environment and the universe in which we live.

Which countries are involved in the construction of the international space station?

USA, Russia, Japan, Canada, EU. With some help from Brazil and Italy via NASA.

Why do you need space stations?

The most space station are used as large laboratories and can be used as a place for astronauts to sleep. They usually orbit the Earth and are a fixed source of help and resources for space travelers.

How do space stations help in space explorations?

The riskiest (dangerous) and hardest thing is to escape from the Earth's gravity (in both directions). Once at the space station, further exploration, either optically (unhampered by Earth's atmosphere) or physically, is easer to advance further experiments.

Are there any machines that can help people in space?

tons. there is even a space station

How are space stations useful?

Space shuttles are very useful objects. Take the International Space Station: It was launched into space to help us learn more about space, so we could send a human further into space and (crazy idea!) so we can live in space. People are already living in space because of science.