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Q: How does the activation synthesis hypothesis explain dreaming?
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What does the activation-information-model suggest?

The activation-information-mode model suggests that dreams in which information that is accessed during waking hours can have an influence on the synthesis of dreams. In other words, when the brain is "making up" a dream to explain its own activation, it uses meaningful bits a pieces of the person's previous day or last few days.

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Hypothesis? Hypothesis is a proposal intended to explain certain facts or observations

What is a hypothesis that does not explain an observation?

When you are using the scientific method, you would try to imagine a hypothesis which explains an observation, but you might not succeed. A hypothesis that does not explain an observation would be considered a failed hypothesis. You would then need to invent a different hypothesis.

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What happens if a hypothesis does not explain an observation?

If a hypothesis does not explain an observation, it is rejected. A hypothesis is basically just an educated guess, so it could be wrong, or right.

What is the of a conclusion?

to explain why the data support or reject the hypothesis

What if the results do not support the hypothesis you were testing?

Then explain why it was wrong

What is the difference between a hypothesis a theory and a conclusion drawn from hypothesis testing?

A hypothesis is a suggestion of a way to explain something. If the hypothesis is tested and confirmed, it can advance to the status of theory. The conclusion of testing a hypothesis will be either that the hypothesis is confirmed, or it is not confirmed.