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Possible effects of temperature on soccer ball.

1. Raising temperature will increase the pressure within the ball making the ball more rigid. This ball should rebound off of the foot more readily. [With a higher speed!]

2. Raising air temperature will tend to dry out the air. Dry air would tend to generate less air friction.

3. Increasing air temperature would increase the volume of the air within the ball. If the ball has a greater volume it will have to push more air out of the way, thus increasing the frictional force acting on the ball.

4. If the volume of the ball increases, its buoyancy would also increase giving the ball more "lift".

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Q: How does the air pressure of a soccer ball effect how far it travels when kicked?
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What is the possible miles per hour of a kicked soccer ball?

If you kick a soccerball hard enough it would go 100 mph.

Does air pressure in a football affect how far it travels when thrown?

Possibly. If a football were introduced to an environment where there were a significant difference in pressure, that might affect how the ball feels. Theoretically, if a ball were inflated to what seemed an acceptable pressure while under low pressure, and then brought into a higher pressure environment, it would seem underinflated, as pressure inside the ball remains unchanged while pressure outside increases. The opposite would happen if the ball was moved from high to low pressure. NFL regulations state that the accepted range for pressure inside a football is 12.5 and 13.5 PSI, giving an acceptable range of 1.0 PSI. Except during extreme events such as major hurricanes and tornadoes, atmospheric pressure will fall between 950 and 1050 millibars. This gives a typical range of 100 millibars or 1.4 PSI. In this regard, atmospheric pressure could potentially make a difference. However, for there to be a noticeable difference for the football, the pressure change would have to be fairly substantial in weather terms. In regard to the "deflategate" scandal, during the time leading up to the game, barometric pressure was actually dropping. So if anything, the pressure inside the ball would seem to increase from when it was last inflated to game time. Even then, this pressure difference would likely escape notice, as the pressure dropped about 16 millibars or 0.23 PSI in 24 hours. Allegations hold that the pressure in the footballs was 1.0 to 2.0 PSI below permitted levels.

How can soccer relate to newtons first law of motion?

When you kick the ball you are providing an outside force that changes its motion. After kicking the ball travels in a straight line while friction amd gravity slow it and keep it from moving at a constant speed.

Which soccer is the fastest?


What does pitch mean in soccer?

The term pitch, when associated with soccer, means the soccer field. Pitch is another term for the field where the game is played.

Related questions

Will the pressure in a soccer ball affect the distance it travels when kicked?

Yes, it depends how hard or soft you kick the soccer ball

Does air pressure effect the distance a soccer ball travels?


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does air pressure affect the distance a soccer ball travels

What effects how far the soccer ball travels when kicked?

Primarily the direction of movement, the spin on the ball and the movement of the surrounding air (wind). The effect is called the "Magnus Effect" (google that to get more details).

What is the effect on inflation pressure on the distance a soccer ball can be kicked?

Yes because it matters how much air it has. the more air the more distance.

What size soccer ball travels farthest?

The size 4 soccer ball goes the fastest because Gian Cua one of the best soccer players in the world kicked it through the whole field

Does a soccer ball travel farther with more or less air pressure?

It travels further with more air pressure.

What happens to a soccer ball if it is kicked below the centre?

Generally, a soccer ball kicked below the center will go upward.

Does air pressure inside a soccer ball effect it's bounce?

yes. higher pressure = better bounce

What air pressure allows it to be kicked farthest?

You need to be more specific. What do you mean by "it"? A soccer ball, a beach ball, a hot air balloon?

Why does the distance kicked of a soccer ball depend on what part of the foot you kicked with?


What is the farthest distance a soccer ball has been kicked?

The furthest a soccer ball has been kicked is 80 meters or 262.46 feet!!!