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Q: How does the amazing water trick work?
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What is an amazing trick?

learning to mow the lawn without going outside..... here's a hint pay your brother or sister to do it

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How else can you say amazing?

terrific! or awesome! would do the trick... depends on how your using it i suppose, like "your so amazing (terrific, awesome, cool)" amazing, astonishing surprising (vs. unsurprising) Sense 2: amazing, awe-inspiring, awesome, awful, awing impressive (vs. unimpressive)

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What is the trick behind making water to ice in 5 seconds?

There is not a specific trick that turns water to ice in 5 seconds. The temperature around the water and ice is what determines how fast the water will freeze.

Does the hand ina bowl of warm water trick work only on boys?

I tried it on a friend years ago when I was a young lad, it didnt work so assume its a myth. Try it yourself, maybe it'll work. ;)

Does the bloody Mary trick work or is it just a myth?

It's just a trick, and has nothing to do with Queen Mary I.