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Q: How does the amount of light affect the distribution of organisms?
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What are the effects of light on distribution and abundance of living organisms?

Light affects the abundance and distribution of living organisms through its affect on primary producers. Plants depend on light. The more plant life is available, the more animal life the biome can support.

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It kills them

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Living factors also known as biotic factors are components in the environment that affect living organisms such as prey and food. [they affect the organism's existence, prey hunt on them and they need food to survive] Non living factors also known as abiotic factors are non living components in the environment such as temperature, light. [changes in temperature and light affect organisms] United Nations Farms

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no. This is because light only affect the rate of photosynthesis and not the chlorophyll concentration in the leaf

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Abiotic factors (non-living things) affect organisms in many ways. Water, light, gases, temperature and salinity are all non living things but all contibute in the functioning of organisms.

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varying the amount of light falling

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Abiotic factors.

What affect does the amount of light have on photosynthesis?

It depends on light. it is changing with light.

Does the amount of light affect crystal growth?

yep, it grows better in the dark

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Give four factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis?

-amount of water -amount of sunlight -amount of O2/CO2 in the air -light intensity