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The appendix is an offshoot of the first part of the large intestine and therefore in good position to destroy bacteria (which are present in large numbers in the intestine) it therefore prevents this bacteria from getting outside the intestine wall. Basically, the appendix along with other groups of tissue (lymphoid tissue) helps protect the digestive tract from the huge amount of pathogens which enter it.

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12y ago

It doesn't really. You don't need it much. I got a appendicidex and had to remove it and I'm fine (although I don't eat much anymore). I guess its for eating more food

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Q: How does the appendix help with your digestion?
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What is the appendix use for in human?

The appendix is not really needed in the human body, it is just there to help your body with digestion.

What system is the appendix in?

The appendix is anatomically part of the digestion system but its' function is part of the immune system.

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What is as no function in humans in the digestive system?

The appendix, found at the junction of the small and large intestines, has no known function in digestion. The appendix may also be called the vermiform appendix.

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What is the function of the appendix in a pig?

yes No. In pigs, the cecum has a pouch that holds bacteria that aid in digestion. It is an active part of the digestive system. In humans, it has evolved into a vestigial appendix.

What animal has the longest appendix?

The koala. It has an appendix 2 metres long! It is thought that this aids the digestion, as koalas live almost entirely on eucalyptus leaves-which are difficult to digest.

What is the function of the appendix in humans?

currently they have no use, it is thought that in the cave days the appendix helped with digestion of grass.

What if your appendix hurts?

If your appendix hurts, you should see your doctor for help because it probably inflammed.

What organ system does the colon and appendix belong to?

Both the colon and the attached appendix are part of the digestive system. But the appendix has other functions that are not part of that system. It is thought by some that it may be involved in the immune system. Researchers in the United States say the appendix produces and protects good germs for the gut by "rebooting" the digestive system. The team of immunologists at Duke University Medical Center say the human digestive system contains massive amounts of bacteria most of which are good and help the digestion of food.