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Atomic radius usually decreases from left to right across a period of the Periodic Table.

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Q: How does the atomic raduis change across a period of the periodic table?
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Why does the change for the atomic radii of elements in period 3 from sodium to argon look similar to period 2?

Because the trend is the same. Atomic radius decreases from left to right across a period.

Does the atomic radius decrease as you move up a group and across a period from left to right on the periodic table?

the atomic radius decreses from left to right in periodic table due to increase in the number of succesive element the electrons of the outermost shell are more attracted towards nucleus and the atomic radius or atomic size decreases.

What pattern in atomic size occurs in the periodic table?

In the periodic table, the atomic size increases with every period due to addition of an extra shell. The atomic size decreases with every group since no. of electrons and protons are increased with every group across a period leading to extra electrostatic force of attraction between electrons and the nucleus and thus shrinking the size of the atom.

What period does bromine belong to?

Name: Bromine Symbol: Br Atomic number: 35 Atomic weight: 79.904 (1) Standard state: liquid at 298 K Group in periodic table: 17 Group name: Halogen Period in periodic table: 4 Block in periodic table: p-block Colour: red-brown, metallic lustre when solid Classification: Non-metallic

Why has bromine got a bigger atomic radius than iodine?

Bromine has a SMALLER atomic radius because it has one more electron shell than Iodine. On the periodic table, atomic radius of an atom decreases across a period and increases down a group. Since Bromine and Iodine are in the same group, you know Bromine has a smaller atomic radius because it is in a lower period.

Related questions

What decreases across the periodic table?

Atomic size decreases across a period

What stays the same across a period on the periodic table?

the atomic number.

When moving across a period in the periodic table?

The atomic number increases

What are patterns in the periodic table?

These are the patterns of the periodic table across the period. 1. The atomic radius reduces as we move across a period from left to right, 2. The ionization energy increases as we move across a period. 3. The electron affinity decreases as we move across a period. Learning them enables us to have a clear view of elements in the periodic table.


As you move across the periodic table from left to right (across a period), the atomic radius of the elements tends to decrease.

What make the atomic radius change along the periodic in periodic table?

Along a period, nuclear charge increases. hence, atomic radius decreases.

What makes the atomic radius change along the periodic in the periodic table?

Along a period, nuclear charge increases. hence, atomic radius decreases.

How does the atomic number change in a period?

When going left to right across a period, the atomic number of element increases.

What increases as you move right across a period in the periodic table?

Atomic number, ionization energy and electronegativity

What happens to the properties of elements across any periodic of the table?

Across any period, the properties of elements gradually change. This gradual change is called a periodic trend.

How does atomic radius vary in group and in period on periodic table?

Down a period the atomic radius increases as the number of shells (or energy levels) increases. Across a period the atomic radius decreases as the effective nuclear charge increases.

How are the size of the elements effected on the periodic table?

Atomic size increase down the group and decreases across the period.