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Because the Earth tilts slightly away from the sun and then back, an North or S hemisphere gets warmer or cooler resulting in the different seasons.

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Q: How does the axis cause the change seasons?
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What does Earth's tilt on its own axis cause?

The change in seasons

What does Earth's tilt on its axis cause?

The change in seasons

A very small tilt in Earth'sare axis would likely cause .?

That would most likely cause a very small change in the seasons.

How do seasons changes?

They change by the tilt of the earth's axis!

What cause seasons to change in the northern and the southern hemispheres as the earth revolves around the sun?

The tilt of the earth's axis.

Are the seasons caused by the movement of Earth's axis?

The seasons are cause by the tilt of the axis of the Earth. The rotation about axis itself moves very little

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None.Jupiter does not have seasons as easons are caused by a tilted axis, and Jupiter's axis is only tilted 3 degrees (not enough to cause seasons).

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When Sun rotates on its axis?

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What two things cause the seasons to change on earth?

There are two things that cause it which are the earths orbit and thetilt of the earths axis.

What evidence is there that distance from the sun is not a cause of the seasons?

It is the tilting of the Earth on its axis that causes the seasons, not the distance from the Sun.

What evidence is there that the distance of the sun is not the cause of the seasons?

It is the tilting of the Earth on its axis that causes the seasons, not the distance from the Sun.