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Q: How does the bible give Christians their identity?
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What book do Christian worship?

Christians do not worship any book, but the do read and study the Bible. They may give thanks for it, and feel blessed at have the opportunity to read it but that is all.

When do christians read the Bible?

The Christians read the Bible quite often but its really important to them to read the bible.

What is the Christians Bible?

Holy Bible

How many rules do Christians have in the Bible?

This is the thing! Christians do not have any rules. They are free in every way when they give up their life to Christ and receive Holy Spirit.

Do christians use the bible as a reference to life?

Christians do use the bible as a reference for life.

The christians holy book is the Bible?

Yes indeed the holy book of the Christians is the BIBLE.

How does Jesus give Christian's their identity?

It came in 43 A.D in Antioch , Christians got their name after Jesus Christ.

Who are some Christians not mentioned in the Bible?

There have been millions of Christians over time and most of them are not in the Bible.

Christians perspective on naming of Prophet Muhammad in bible?

Christians believe that Muhammad is not mentioned in the Bible.

Do the people who call themselves Christians follow the Bible?

Yes. Christians follow the Holy Bible.

When was Party of Bible-abiding Christians created?

Party of Bible-abiding Christians was created in 1989.

What did the Christians call the Hebrew Bible?

Christians still call the Hebrew Bible the Old Testament.