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the dip creates a larger surface area, meaning more oxygen can be transported. it also means the cell is more flexible and can squeeze through capillary walls.

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Q: How does the biconcave disk help a red blood cell carry out its function?
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How is the function and structure of a red blood cell related?

A red blood cell has no nucleus and a biconcave shape. This structure allows it to carry oxygen more efficiently.

What is the function for a red blood cell?

The function of the red blood cell is to carry oxygen to body tissues. Its structural features that allow this include the hemoglobin molecule, its anuclear state, and its biconcave shape.

How is the function of the red blood cells related to its function?

The biconcave shape of the red blood cell increases its surface area, this means theres a higher probability that oxygen will bind with the cell.

What is a biconcave cell without a nucleus?

Biconcave cells without nuclei are called red blood cells.

What are the cell structures of a red blood cell?

It is biconcave in shape , mature red blood cell do not have nucleus,

What shape best describes a red blood cell?

Normal blood red cells are biconcave disks, approx. oval.

What other characteristic does a red blood cell have that enables it to perform its function optimally?

-Has a large biconcave surface area to carry more oxygen -Contains haemoglobin, so when reacted with oxygen turned into oxy-haemoglobin for transportation -Has no nucleus to carry more oxygen

What is the major cell component of blood whose primary function is to carry oxygen?

Erythrocyte is the major cell component of blood whose primary function is to carry oxygen. Erythrocyte is a red blood cell.

What are the three structural features of a red blood cell?

Red blood cell contain haemoglobin or rather the 4 heme ( iron group ) in each of the 4 polypeptide which can carry up to 4 molecules of oxygen.Red blood cell also have no nucleus so that it can carry more oxygen molecules.Red blood cell have a binocular shape that increased its total surface area that suit its function for faster diffusion of gas.

What is the major component of blood whose primary function is to carry oxygen?

Erythrocyte is the major cell component of blood whose primary function is to carry oxygen. Erythrocyte is a red blood cell.

Explain the struture of red blood cell?

red blood cells have a biconcave shaped

How does the structure of leukocytes relate to their function?

the function is to surround and engolf harmful substances, the structure is like a blob the can bend in weird ways