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so there are veins that connect the lungs and the heart and blood vessels carry blood form any direction in and out of the pumping heart

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Q: How does the blood move from one part of the heart to the next?
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What move blood to the heart?

Veins and Arteries move the blood throughout your body which are part of the Respiratory System with the help of the heart pumping the blood.

What are the blood vessels that direct blood toward the heart?

Veins move blood back to the heart. Think of the "V" as part of an arrow and the arrow is shooting the blood BACK to the heart.

The part of the animal heart that stores blood temporarily is called the?

The heart is not a storage device. IF you're refering to the time between beats, then all 4 chambers sort of "stores" blood to be pumped out at the next beat.

What body part send blood up to your heart?

every body part you have sends blood to your heart

Which part of the heart that send blood to the brain?

left part of heart

What part of the blood vessel carry blood away from the heart?

The ARTERIES carries the blood away from the heart.

What is the name of the part of the heart that brings the unoxygenated blood back to the heart?

veins, but technically, they are not part of the heart.

Which part of heart send blood to the other parts of body?

left part of heart

What part of the heart blood enters in heart?

Right atrium

What part does the heart play?

the heart pumps around your blood

What part of the heart carries the blood to the heart?

Pulmonary Arteries

What part of the heart receive the blood from the lungs?

The left atrium receives blood returning to the heart from the lungs.