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There are a few different versions, but these are the two most common ones. In both, you stand in a room (usually a bathroom) with the lights off. You spin around three times with your eyes closed while saying the chant, then turn the lights on. Different things are said to happen, ranging from the faint appearance of a scar on your neck to the untimely death of the chanter.

One version of the chant is simply "Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary."

Another is "Bloody Mary took an axe and gave her father forty whacks. When she saw what she had done, she gave her mother forty-one." Despite the fact that this stemmed from Lizzie Borden, not Bloody Mary, at some point the two merged for this activity.

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Q: How does the bloody Mary chant work like what do you do and say?
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It's just a trick, and has nothing to do with Queen Mary I.

Does bloody Mary actually work?

No, calling bloody Mary into a mirror at night does not work. It is just an urban legend... However a friend and I scared ourselves silly one night when we were 10 years old by playing that game.

Does saying bloody Mary 3 times in a bathroom work?

No. Ghosts don't exist.

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Of course not. Its just another urban legend. If you don't believe me, go try. ;)

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During her reign, she tried to abolish the New Church of England established by her father Henry VIII and reestablish the Catholic church. She then branded all Protestants as heretics and with permission from the Pope, proceeded to burn and kill nearly 300 such heretics. This earned her the reputation of Bloody Mary.and that is why the legend goes on abot "Bloody Mary."

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Gregoran Chant is not a composer. Gregorian chant is the central tradition of Western plainchant, a form of monophonic liturgical music within Western Christianity that accompanied the celebration of Mass and other ritual services. Get a chant composer and we will evaluate the work.

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When was the song Sing we and chant it written?

1595 by Thomas Morley. It's a Renaissance work.

Does bloody Mary realy work?

I've never tried it, and i don't think i ever will, but I've searched around the internet and most people say it is not true, and i don't believe it either but i still wouldn't try.