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Q: How does the body generate heat when you become cold?
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Why heat flows from hot body to cold body?

Heat flows from hot to cold because when hot and cold bodies contact with each other (thermal contact), the fast moving molecules of the hot body collide with slow moving molecules of the cold body; therefore the molecules of hot body become slower and body becomes cool, and the molecules of other body (cold) becomes faster and the cold body becomes hot. Notice: when molecules of a body moves faster it's kinetic energy increase therefore temperature increases and it becomes hot.

Why does heat flow from hot body to cold body?

Heat flows from hot to cold because when hot and cold bodies contact with each other (thermal contact), the fast moving molecules of the hot body collide with slow moving molecules of the cold body; therefore the molecules of hot body become slower and body becomes cool, and the molecules of other body (cold) becomes faster and the cold body becomes hot. Notice: when molecules of a body moves faster it's kinetic energy increase therefore temperature increases and it becomes hot.

Why does heat flow from a hot to cold body?

Heat flows from hot to cold because when hot and cold bodies contact with each other (thermal contact), the fast moving molecules of the hot body collide with slow moving molecules of the cold body; therefore the molecules of hot body become slower and body becomes cool, and the molecules of other body (cold) becomes faster and the cold body becomes hot. Notice: when molecules of a body moves faster it's kinetic energy increase therefore temperature increases and it becomes hot.

Describe how the body can loose heat in conduction convection and radiation?

you are swimming in ice cold water and losing heat. How does heat leave your body?

Heat as a form of energy?

heat is a form of energy because our body uses up of heat energy that needs in our body to stimulate the cold or warm temparature in our body

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How does a squirrel's body temperature stay the same when it is very cold outside?

They are warmblooded (meaning they generate their own body heat).

What is the diffrent from a cold blooded then a warm blooded?

the difference is warm blood controls their body temp cold blood doesnt

What do we understand by cold booded?

Cold-blooded - means an animal lacks the ability to generate it's own internal body-heat. They have to rely on external sources such as the Sun - or (in captivity) heat lamps.

What do you call animals that make their own body heat?

yes some animals do as far as i know. they use the fat in their bodies to produce body heat. e.g. horses use their own body heat to keep themselves warm.

Why do people shiver during cold?

Shivering is a reflex of the body when your body temperature drops. The muscle movement is intended to generate heat, and thus prevent you from developing hypothermia.

What are two ways your body can generate heat?

You can move your body or shiver.

Why do turtles have a light?

Turtles are cold blooded, meaning they can't generate there own body heat. The light warms them so they have a healthy warm temperature.

What happens when an iguana gets to cold?

It goes into hibernation. Unless it gets really cold in which case it would die. Iguanas (like all reptiles) are cold blooded, meaning they cannot generate their own body heat.

Do people tend to eat more in winter?

Bcuz the body consumes more energy in order to generate heat to beat the cold and hence they eat more...:-)

What is the function of shivering?

Shivering is an involuntary muscular response from the body, triggered by cold. The "shivering" muscles are trying to internally generate heat, to help keep you warm.

Is guava heat or cold for body?


Does your body use chemical energy to generate thermal energy?

yes. the reactions that take place in our body, such as respiration, generate heat