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The Camel stores the water in his humps so he can go a long time without water.

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Q: How does the camel walk so easily in the desert and go without water for a long time?
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How does a camel live in a desert?

camel has special physical characteristics to live in a desert and that is why it can live without water for sevaral days.

What can go long without water that are useful in the desert?

the camel

How long can a camel survive in the desert without water?

A Long Time

What is in a camel's environment?

There are cacti and water and desert.

Uses of camel?

Yes!Camels are good desert, Because camels can go many days without food or water.

What do you need when you go to the Sahara desert?

Camel and water

What is a camel's habitat and how it survives?

in a desert, survives on water

Why is the camel is Egypt's native animal?

because they are always in the desert that's why and because camels can stay without water for a long time

What animal can go really long without this very important thing And what is this thing?

i think a camel and without water because they can store water in their humps for over a few weeks maybe a month... so a camel and water Another animal that can survive without water is the Australian desert rat, which can survive up to four years

Does every camel have a hump on it?

to store water when traveling in the desert

How does a camel live in the desert describe them?

once a camel finds even a bit of water, it drinks it, and the water stores inside their hump, and it can last a very long time inside it, and thats how it can go without drinking water and for quite a long time.

Why can a camel survive in the desert for a long period of time without drinking too much?

Because they can hold large amount of water in there body