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Caste in Indian society refers to a social group where membership is largely decided by birth. Members of such local group avoid entering into marital relationships with outsiders. Originally, these groups were associated with specific professions. The mutual relationship of one caste with the other is established on the principle of lineage and the resultant purity of blood, making the relationship between one and another caste distant.

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Q: How does the caste system of India affect religion?
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How did the development of the Caste System affect society in India

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It is the religion of Hinduism that uses the caste system

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People are metured enough to feel the caste system is nothing important day to day life. But the problem is with politicians, they can not survive with out caste, religion and religious system.

How does the caste system affect life in India?

The caste system in India has deep social and cultural influences. It impacts aspects of daily life such as marriage, occupation, and social interactions, often leading to discrimination and inequality among individuals. The system continues to shape societal structures and perceptions, despite efforts to address its negative consequences.

How did the caste system affect Indian society?

The caste system in India structured society into distinct social groups, determining individuals' roles, occupations, and relationships. It limited social mobility, reinforced inequality, and perpetuated discrimination and exploitation based on caste. Despite efforts to eradicate it, the caste system continues to influence Indian society, impacting access to resources and opportunities for many.

Was the caste system only in India?

In India,there are hindu system among people to follow in rural areas. Likewise, Kindly give me the complete details of the caste system or any other religion system among people in China

What is religion is associated with the caste system?

Hinduism is the religion associated with the caste system. The caste system is based on the belief that individuals are born into a particular caste based on their karma and dharma from past lives. This system has been deeply rooted in Indian society for centuries.

The caste system is a religious belief of what religion?

The caste system is traditionally associated with Hinduism. It is a social hierarchy that divides people into different groups based on their birth and occupation.

When did India end the caste system?

The Caste System in India did not end. It is still in place.

What religion uses a caste system and believes in reincarnation?

Hinduism, but the caste system did not have it's origin in Hinduism, but was put in place in India, and still affects people in bad ways today.

How did the caste system affect all aspects of Indian life and what were the enduring effects of the caste system in India after the 1950s?

That when the caste system began people may have acted differently, by being as good as they can be so they don't get reincardinated as the untouchable.