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An increase in temperature generally increases the solubility of copper sulfate in water, as higher temperatures provide more energy to break apart the bonds holding the copper sulfate molecules together. This can result in more copper sulfate dissolving in the water at higher temperatures.

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Q: How does the change of temperature affect the rate of solubility in copper sulphate?
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How can you change the solubility of a solute?

You can change the solubility of a solute by adjusting the temperature, pressure, or by adding a solvent that the solute is more soluble in. Additionally, you can alter the particle size of the solute to increase its surface area, which can affect its solubility.

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Increase in temprature brings about increase in the rate of reaction and this does affect d solubility of the subtance

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The factors that can change the solubility of a solid in a liquid are temperature, pressure, and the nature of the solute and solvent. Generally, increasing temperature increases solubility, but for gases, increasing pressure can also increase solubility. Additionally, the type of solute and solvent can affect solubility due to their polarity or other intermolecular forces.

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Yes, heat can change the solubility of a substance. In general, an increase in temperature usually increases the solubility of solid solutes in liquids, while the solubility of gases in liquids decreases with increasing temperature.

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Temperature is proportional to solubility for sodium bicarbonate in water. Generally, adding heat increases solubility, as this input of energy helps break bonds.

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Potassium nitrate's solubility is more affected by changes in temperature compared to salt. Generally, the solubility of solids in water increases with temperature. Potassium nitrate has a significant increase in solubility with temperature, while salt's solubility is relatively unaffected by temperature changes.

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It increases

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In general, solubility decreases as temperature increases for gases due to the decrease in gas solubility with higher temperatures. Helium shows minimal change in solubility with temperature because it is very nonpolar and does not interact strongly with water molecules, making its solubility relatively insensitive to temperature changes.

Is solubility product and solubility affected by a change in volume of water?

No, the solubility product constant (Ksp) is not affected by a change in the volume of water. Solubility, which is the maximum amount of solute that can dissolve in a solvent at a given temperature, also typically will not be affected by a change in volume as long as the temperature remains constant. The concentration of dissolved ions may change due to dilution effects with a change in volume, but the solubility itself will not change.

How does the solubility of a substance change with a rise in temperature?

With a rise of temperature, the solubility increases

Will a solid become less soluble in a liquid if you decrease the pressure?

No, decreasing the pressure does not typically affect the solubility of a solid in a liquid. Solubility is primarily determined by the temperature and the nature of the solute and solvent, rather than the pressure.

What can change the solubility of a solid in a liquid?

temperature. The higher the temperature of the liquid, the more of the solid you can dissolve in it.