

Best Answer

They arf type of excretory organell.They remove excess water from cell.

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Q: How does the concractile vacuole in a paramecium help maintain homeostasis?
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How does a contractile vacuole in a paramecium help maintain homeostasis?

it pumps water into the cells

How does the contractile in a paramecium help maintain homeostasis?

The contractile vacuole in a paramecium excretes excess freshwater in the organism. It does this continually because water is constantly diffusing into their cytoplasm. This occurs because freshwater paramecium live in a hypotonic environment.

How do contractile vacuoles help maintain water balance in a paramecium?

The paramecium contains a vacuole called a contractile vauole. By contracting rhythmically, this specialized vacuole pumps excess water out of the cell. the control of water content within the cell is just one example of an important process known as homeostasis. Homeostasis is the maintenance of a controlled internal environment.

Who has contractile vacuole amoeba or paramecium?

paramecium has the contractile vacuole yooo!

What does a food vacuole in a paramecium do?

Food Vacuole

What would happen to the paramecium if it did not have a contractile vacuole?

If a paramecium did not have a contractile vacuole or it did not work it would fill with water and lyse.

What are major organelles paramecium?

CiliaContractile VacuoleFood VacuoleGulletAnal Opening

Where does the paramecium store his food?

In the vacuole the Paramecium stores its food:) youre welcome

Why is a contractile vacuole essential to the survival of the amoebae and the paramecium?

the paramecium is bad medicene

How does a vacuole help maintain homeostasis in a cell?

storage of needed components or cellular waste

What cells need hypotonicity to be at homeostasis?

paramecium, since it lives in fresh water, it has a contractile vacuole so that it doesn't gain too much water and burst

What does the food vacuole do in a paramecium?

the food vacuole helps digest the parameciums food inside the food vacuole