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cause i dont know

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Q: How does the curve in a lens cause it to refract light differntly from a flat piece of glass?
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magnify glass
Related questions

Why would a chip in a glass block cause light to refract differently?

It would cause light to refract differently because the angle at which the light hits the glass block would alter and there for the way the light refracts would also alter.

What causes light to refract when it hits a piece of glass?

the light rays hit the piece of glass and the surface of the glass causes it to refract

Does clear glass refract light?

Clear glass does refract light when light passes from another medium like water to clear glass. But there is an exception. If the ray of light were to pass through water and hit the clear glass straight or at 90 Degrees to the surface, then clear glass does not refract the light.

which of the following does not refract light?

glass of water

What are three things refract light?

glass,water and air

How would the heating curve for glass be different from the heating curve for water?

the glass is malleable

What are things that refract?

glass, windows really anything that you can see through.

How many times does light refract when going through a window?

two times. air to glass, glass to air.

Why does light refract when it passes from air into a glass slab?

Because glass slab is optically denser than air.

Will a glass of water hold more pennies than a glass of water with soap?

Water doesn't refract more light than glass

What are things that refract light?

glass, windows really anything that you can see through.

What are items that refract light?

sunglasses, microscope, hand lens/magnify glass