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When you breathe, the actions of your rib muscles and diaphragm expand or contract your chest. As a result, air flows in and out.

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Q: How does the diaphragm and rib muscles work together to control inhaling and exhaling?
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Describe how the diaphragm and rib muscles work together to control inhaling and exhaling?

When you breathe, the actions of your rib muscles and diaphragm expand or contract your chest. As a result, air flows in and out.

What are the muscles that control inhaling and exhaling?

The muscle that control Inhating and Exhaling do so by changing the volume of the thoracic cavity which is where the Lungs are. During passive respiration there is only one muscle involved, the Thoracic Diaphragn (more commonly reffered to the diaphragm) which is a sheet muscle that covers most of the bottom of the thorax by attaching around the bottom of the ribs. When relaxed the diaphragm us curved upwards into the throax and when contracted it pulls down to a flatter shape sucking air in. The only force drivingthe air out again during expiration is the elasticity of the lungs themselves which shrink the lung volume pushing air out. During Forced Respiration the intercostals muscles also take part. These are the muscles between the ribs and and change thoracic volume by either lifting or depressing the Rib Cage. There are three layers of intercostal muscles; the External Intercostals which elevate the rib cage up and out drawing in; the Internal Intercostals wich depress the rib cage down and in pushing air out; and the Innermost Intercostals which assist the internal intercostals.

What are the nerves that control the muscles in your diaphragm?

Phrenic Nerve

What is diaphragm and cervical cap?

A diaphragm and a cervical cap are birth control devices that prevent sperm from entering the cervix.

What are diaphragm?

A diaphragm is a cervical barrier type of birth control. It is soft latex or silicone dome with a spring molded into the rim.

How are the ribs pulled upwards and outward when a person inhales?

Think of your lungs like a vacuum. They want air inside them so as they inflate the rib cage and belly, from the diaphragm, expand as the air rushes in to inflate the lungs. Exhaling requires the contraction of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles (between each rib) forcing the air out. Breathing is an autonomic function controlled by the medulla oblongata although you do have some conscious control over it. Hope this is helpful.

What structure on a microscope controls the amount of light that passes through the specimen?

The diaphram Is What Controls How Much Light Is Released.

Which part of the microscope controls the amount of light?

Diaphragm control lever

What is the purpose of a diaphragm on a light microscope?

you can control it to adjust the amount of light

Where do phrenic nerves arise from?

The phrenic nerve controls your diaphragm. It connects your diaphragm with the back of your brain. Normally it works automatically but you can consciously control it.

What is a diaphragm for women?

it is a sex tool used in intercourse_____________________________It is a barrier method of birth control which prevent sperm from entering the cervix. There is a technical term for women who rely on a diaphragm for birth control; they are called "mothers".

What is the the function of the diaphragm?

In the body, the diaphragm is a curved sheet of smooth muscle which separates the thorax from the abdomen. When it contracts, the diaphragm flattens, which INCREASES the volume of the THORAX, which then EXPANDS the lungs. Contracting the diaphragm therefore is associated with breathing IN, NOT OUT. In Birth Control, a diaphragm keeps sperm from getting to your cervix and uterus and making you pregnant.