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The digestive system breaks down food that you eat. As it moves through the digestive system, the nutrients in the foods (ex. proteins, vitamins, etc.)are taken out and the rest is excreted.

The digestive system gives you your energy and your nutrients. Without it, the food that you eat wouldn't be put to use.

If you don't have a good, healthy digestive system, your digestive organs will not function as well and you will not receive all of the nutrients possible.

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Q: How does the digestive system meets the needs of the body?
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How does your digestive system protect your body?

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What systems breaks food down for energy the body needs?

the system is digestive system

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Why does the digestive system need other body systems?

The digestive system needs other body systems to provide oxygen and fight off infections. Alone, the digestive system would simply not function and die.

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People can't be born without a digestive system. It is a vital organ that your body needs to live. You will die without your digestive system.

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How does the digestive system help you?

The digestive system separates the nutrients that your body needs from what it doesn't need, and then the not needed stuff becomes solid and liquid waste.

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What body system does the intestines belong to?

The body system that the colon belongs to is the digestive system. The colon is also known as the large intestine.

What is the digestive system all about?

It's about eating and digesting the food. Your body needs to use the nutrtions in the food so that's why you have a digestive system. From the stomach to the anus, your body absorbs tthe nutritions from the food.

What does the digestive system do for your body?

The digestive system digests food that goes into your body.

How does the skeletal systems interact with the digestive system?

the digestive system can work with other systems 2 but it needs the skeletal system 2. it needs it 4 different reasons. The liver does send nutrients around the body after the small intestines absorb the nutrients and give it to the liver. The liver needs the help of the circulatory system do it. So the blood vessels of the liver help the liver give the nutrients to the body. So that's an example of why the digestive system needs the skeletal system. Hope this answer helps.