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well if you compare them together they are quite different velocity has a poo in your mouth and momentum like to wee on your dog in the morning, okayy!

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Q: How does the direction of momentum compare to the direction of velocity?
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Does momentum have a direction?

Momentum is mass x velocity; velocity has a direction, therefore momentum has a direction.Momentum is mass x velocity; velocity has a direction, therefore momentum has a direction.Momentum is mass x velocity; velocity has a direction, therefore momentum has a direction.Momentum is mass x velocity; velocity has a direction, therefore momentum has a direction.

The momentum of an objects is in the same what as its velocity?

In the same direction. Both momentum and velocity are vectors.

Why does momentum have a direction?

Because momentum is mass X velocity. Velocity has direction, otherwise it is speed.

Is momentum inversely proportional to velocity?

No, momentum is directly proportional to velocity, and in the same direction..

Is momentum downwards?

Momentum is a vector, the product of a scalar (mass) & a vector (velocity). As such, its direction is whatever direction the velocity vector has.

If an object is moving at a constant velocity and you want to change it's momentum you would change it's?

The answer is velocity.

What is an object's mass multiplied by its velocity?

mass x velocity = momentum. (velocity = speed with a direction)

Momentum has the same direction of what?


Which one has same direction of momentum?

The velocity.

How would momentum be considered a vector?

momentum is mass x velocity and velocity is a vector and mass is scalar but scalar times vector = vector so momentum remains a vector

The momentum of an object is in the same direction as what?

The velocity of the object.

What is momentum in physics?

In physics, momentum = mass x velocityhigher the mass or higher the velocity, higher is the momentum. Note, momentum is a vector quantity i.e it has both magnitude and direction. For instance, when two bodies A of velocity 3m/s and B of velocity 6m/s both of equal masses collide, A moves in the direction of B. Mathematically, the momentum of A is given a negative sign(-) meaning that the momentum of A is in the direction of B