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Q: How does the esophagus function in a ruminant's stomach?
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What is the function of the esophagus in respiratory system?

The function of the esophagus is to connect the throat to the stomach. This allow food and/or liquid to reach the stomach after it is swallowed.

Is the esophagus the tube from the mouth to the stomach?


What is peristaltic movement and how does it function in the esophagus?

The peristaltic movements are muscle contractions and its function on the esophagus is to push food down into the stomach and prevent it from going back into the esophagus.

What is the function of the esohpagus?

The function of an esophagus is to conduct food between the pharynx and the stomach.

Give the function of each part?

mouth,esophagus,and stomach

What is the function of the esophagus in sharks?

the esophagus it a tube like food passage it takes food down into the stomach

What joins the throat and stomach in the digestive system?

The esophagus joins the throat and stomach in the digestive system. No digestion occurs in the esophagus; its only function is transport.

What is the function of a bird's esophagus?

it sends food down to the stomach of the bird.

What is the function of the ossophagus?

The function of the esophagus is to move food from the mouth to te stomach. It is muscles that move the swallowed food slowly down and into your stomach

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What is the function of the cardiac sphincter?

What is the function of the the esophags?

To keep the contents of the stomach from going back up the esophagus.

How does the esophagus function in the digestive system?

It moves things that you swallow from your mouth to your stomach.