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Q: How does the feathers of a cardinal help it?
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What causes a male cardinal to lose his head neck feathers?

fighting or the annual molting of feathers.

What is the meaning of finding cardinal feathers?

Read "Spirits of the Earth" by Bobby Lake-Thom

What is the physical description of a cardinal?

Cardinals have red feathers, a yellow beak, black claws, a black mask-like thing of feathers around their eyes, and... that's it.

What is the differents' between down feathers and counter feathers?

Down feathers keep them warm Counter feathers help them fly

How does a birds tail help it fly?

the tail has flight feathers and the flight feathers help a bird to fly.

What kind of bird has yellow tail feathers yellow under the wings and the top of the head is red?

i would say it is a cardinal

How can you conserve feathers?

To conserve feathers, you can do so by putting them in a ziplock bag, in the freezer. This can help to keep the colors bright, and can also help keep the feathers fluffy.

How do a hummingbirds feathers help them fly?

they help them flyswiftly

How do feathers help a duck?

Warm it!

What is the difference between bird feathers for flying and kiwi feathers?

A kiwi's feathers are shaggy and hairlike, and do not have the "hook and barb" system of flighted birds. Flighted birds have feathers where all the strands are linked via tiny "barbules". These help to keep the feathers stiff, and help with flight.

How is this an advantage if some birds are born covered in feathers?

Feathers help in insulation and endothermy .

How would the loss of feathers affect a bird?

It will not be able to fly with no feathers. Feathers keep a bird warm. If its feathers are gone it will die of cold. Most importantly feathers help a bird to escape from predators.