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Robin, on the (see the clickable link below) site , which is a collection of humorous stories about people passing on gifts instead of keeping them, can guess what number you were thinking of.

It's a clever trick, but really quite easy.

You have to think of a two-digit number, say 25. Then subtract the 2 from it, and then the 5. So you do 25 - 2 - 5 = 18.

Remember the number 18 and click on the next page. There you see numbers from 1 to 99, with a gift beside each one. Look at the Number 18 gift. Click on the next page and there it is. She guessed the right gift!

Sit down with a piece of paper and a pencil and try a few numbers.

99 - 9 - 9 = 81

98 - 9 - 8 = 81

97 - 9 - 7 = 81

96 - 9 - 6 = 81

95 - 9 - 5 = 81 .... Are you beginning to see a pattern here? Yes, all the 90 numbers end up with 81.

And all the 80 numbers end up with 72, and all the 70 numbers end up with 63 etc.

So when they generate the page with 99 gifts, they always have the same gift (a different one each time) for the numbers 81, 72, 63, 54, 45, 36, 27, 18, and 9. And you always have to choose one of those numbers.

Easy, ain't it?

There are some more tricks like that at the Magic Link below: Good fun!

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