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The term "infrared" refers to electromagnetic waves, not to sound waves.

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Infrared are electromagnetic rays which are transverse waves whereas sound waves are longitudinal waves. There is no frequency at which infrared waves are sound waves.

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What type of infrared do reptiles use to catch their prey?

No animal uses "infrared" to catch prey. Infrared is a man-made mechanical device to locate objects in darkness - that's a simplistic explanation, the actual process is more complicated. Some reptiles have sensory organs in their heads that can perceive nearby warmblooded animals, but that's not infrared.

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Yes, infrared radiation can detect heat. Infrared sensors are designed to detect and measure the infrared radiation emitted by objects, including heat emitted by living organisms or warm objects.

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None. There is no effect on a stationary object.

Do hotter objects emit more infrared radiation?

True , because the warmer objects give off more infrared radiation than cooler objects ..

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