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Down syndrome is AKA Trisomy 21.

there are 3 autosomes on the 23 chromosome. it isn't x linked, but is randomly mutated and in some cases autosomal.

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13y ago

It doesn't affect chromosomes but it adds an extra 21st chromosome

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Q: How does the inheritance of chromosome 21 lead to Down Syndrome?
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Down syndrome is not caused by premature birth. Down syndrome is present in the embryo from the time of conception. Down syndrome, in contrast, may lead to premature birth.

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How do you get diagnosed with Down syndrome?

phsychiatrist A Downs Syndrome diagnosis is confirmed with a genetic test, which looks for the extra chromosome (Downs chromosome) that is present. Autistic diagnostic tests such as the CARS, CHAT, ADOS, as well as the Bayleys Scale and Monte Griffiths assesment can be carried out by a psychiatrist (because they rely on observation and parental imput in some parts) but I would recommend seeing a developmental paediatrician because they primarily deal with childrens developmental issues, plus they can along with occupational therapists look for other indicators of autism plus look at whether your child has another developmental problem other than Downs syndrome or autism. They may also test your child's blood for things like lead levels (to rule out lead poisoning) haemogobin levels, and look at if your child may have Fragile X syndrome, or urine testing for metabolic problems or do an EEG to look for indications your child may have had seizures or something else that may have led to regression in your child's development, plus they may get several different tests like hearing tests to rule out deafness or something else that it could be so I would personally recommend a developmental paediatrician because they may take a more wholistic approach and are experts in the field. I hope this has helped you know what to look for. Good luck.