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Q: How does the internal structure with these organelles support mitochondria and chloroplast's function?
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What are two differences in the structure and function of chloroplast and mitochondria?

Mitochondria is catabolic reactor. Chloroplasts conduct anabolic reactions.

What is the structure and function in mitochondria?

Mitochondrion are capsule-shaped organelles that use food to create energy for the organism it inhabits.

What organelle have the same function as an mitochondria?

Chloroplasts have a similar function.

Any tiny structure that performs a special function in the cell?

An organelle is a tiny structure that performs a specialized function in the cell. Examples of organelles are: nuclei, vacuoles, mitochondria, lysosomes, and ribosomes.

How are mitochondria and chloroplasts different from other organelles?

The mitochondria is used during the process of cellular respiration in which energy (ATP) is made so the body can function. Chloroplasts, only found in plants, is how plants go through photosynthesis, a process in which plants obtain food and energy from the sun.

A tiny organ in a cell is called?

A tiny organ in a cell is called a cell organelle. There are several such organelles in the cells such as cell wall, cytoplasm, nucleus, vacuoles etc. Cell organelles perform different functions to make the cell as a unit of life.

What are the specialized structures inside the cell referred to as?


Organelles in plant cells that function in photosynthesis or storage are called?

Organelles in plant cells that function in photosynthesis or storage are called chloroplasts. Chloroplasts allow plants to capture the energy of the sun. Vacuoles are involved in storage of soluble carbohydrates or proteins.

What are some Mitochondrion analogies?

In plants, algae, and some eukaryotic cells, the CHLOROPLASTS are analogous in function and structure to Mitochondria. CHLOROPLASTS have a second internal membrane, their own genome, and their own ribosomes. However, they are larger than mitochondria, have a uniform membrane, smooth oval shape, and contain thylakoids, which are absent in mitochondria.

What are some analogies for mitochondrion?

In plants, algae, and some eukaryotic cells, the CHLOROPLASTS are analogous in function and structure to Mitochondria. CHLOROPLASTS have a second internal membrane, their own genome, and their own ribosomes. However, they are larger than mitochondria, have a uniform membrane, smooth oval shape, and contain thylakoids, which are absent in mitochondria.

What is function of mitochondria in living organisms and what's it's structure?

Respiration is function of mitochondria & it's structure is elongated.

What is the function of the chlorophasts?

Chloroplasts are organelles responsible for conducting photosynthesis in plants.