

How does the king address Macbeth in act one?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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In scene 4 when they first meet, Duncan calls him "O worthiest cousin".

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Q: How does the king address Macbeth in act one?
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Macbeth is Duncan's cousin, as in the play duncun say's "o worthiest cousin" to Macbeth in act 1 scene four

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In Shakespeare's 'Macbeth,' the central scene of Act One is betrayal. Macbeth is loved and trusted by King Duncan. However, after hearing a prophecy by the Weird Sisters that he is to become king, he and his wife, Lady Macbeth plot and carry out the murder of King Duncan.

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Where did Macbeth kill king ducan?

In one of Macbeth's chambers where he spent the night.

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The traitor of King Duncan was Macbeth, who was the one who ordered his execution in the play "Macbeth" by William Shakespeare. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth conspired to murder King Duncan in order to seize power.

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Macbeth was killed by Macduff in Act 5, Scene 8 of the play "Macbeth." Macduff reveals that he was not "of woman born" in a traditional sense, fulfilling the witches' prophecy that he is the only one who can defeat Macbeth.

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Synel, Macbeth's father, for one. Duncan's son Malcolm also becomes king.

Which Characters die on stage in act 4 of Macbeth?

- Duncan (king) - Two guards - Banquo (Macbeth tried tried to kill Flence, Banquo's son, but he escaped) - Lady Macduff and her son - young siward (son of the leader of the army that will kill Macbeth)

What does banquo voice in the opening act of scene one in Macbeth?
