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Q: How does the law of conservation of matter relate to balancing chemical equation?
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What have you learned after balancing chemical equations?

being able to write a balanced equation for a reaction is very important. By balancing an equation we can tell how much material we will need to start with, what the likely products to form, and how much of these products will form

What is the law of conservation mass and how is it connected to balancing chemical equations?

The law of conservation of matter/mass states that in a closed system matter is neither created nor destroyed. This means that the same number and kind of atoms in the reactants are also present in the products, which is why a chemical equation must be balanced.

A chemical equation must be balanced in order to show that mass is conserved during a reaction?

Yes. This is due to the law of conservation of mass/matter.

What is the coefficent that shows in a chemical equation?

Equations for chemical reactions may require one or more whole-number coefficients in order for the equation to balance. Balancing a chemical equation upholds the law of conservation of mass, which states that matter cannot be created or destroyed. The coefficients represent molar ratios of reactants and products. Performing stoichiometric calculations is largely dependent upon these correct molar proportions.

How does a chemical equation show that matter is always conserved in a chemical reaction?

According to the Law of Conservation Of Mass,Matter is neither created nor destroyed.It means a chemical equation show that matter is always conserved in a chemical reaction.It is shown as number of atoms both sides of the reaction before and after remains the same.

Related questions

What information are conveyed by a balanced chemical reaction why is it necessary to balanced a chemical equation?

A balanced chemical equation conveys the correct molar ratios of reactants and products in a reaction. Balancing a chemical equation upholds the Law of Conservation of Mass, which states that matter cannot be created or destroyed.

What have you learned after balancing chemical equations?

being able to write a balanced equation for a reaction is very important. By balancing an equation we can tell how much material we will need to start with, what the likely products to form, and how much of these products will form

What is balancing a chemical equation so that the same number of atoms of each element is found in both the reactants and the products is an example of what?

the law of conservation of matter (or mass)

What is the law of conservation mass and how is it connected to balancing chemical equations?

The law of conservation of matter/mass states that in a closed system matter is neither created nor destroyed. This means that the same number and kind of atoms in the reactants are also present in the products, which is why a chemical equation must be balanced.

A chemical equation must be balanced in order to show that mass is conserved during a reaction?

Yes. This is due to the law of conservation of mass/matter.

What is the coefficent that shows in a chemical equation?

Equations for chemical reactions may require one or more whole-number coefficients in order for the equation to balance. Balancing a chemical equation upholds the law of conservation of mass, which states that matter cannot be created or destroyed. The coefficients represent molar ratios of reactants and products. Performing stoichiometric calculations is largely dependent upon these correct molar proportions.

Why do both sides of a chemical equation have to be equal?

In order to satisfy the law of conservation of matter/mass, which states that in a chemical reaction matter can neither be created nor destroyed.

Why should chemical equation be balaced?

Equations should be balanced because of a basic scientific law known as the Law of Conservation of Mass. The Law simply means that all the mass you start with in a chemical reaction should be present at the end. Balancing the equation allows scientists to mathematically predict how much matter there should be at the end of a reaction.

How does a chemical equation show that matter is always conserved in a chemical reaction?

According to the Law of Conservation Of Mass,Matter is neither created nor destroyed.It means a chemical equation show that matter is always conserved in a chemical reaction.It is shown as number of atoms both sides of the reaction before and after remains the same.

What feature of a chemical equation represents the law of conservation of matter?

Mass of reactants (at the right) is equal to the mass of products at the left.

What does a balanced chemical equation prove?

One or more products containing the same quantity of atoms as the reactants had

What law of chemical change is obeyed when a chemical equation is balanced and explain?

conservation of mass law, no matter is ever created or destroyed (except for nuclear fusion)