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Q: How does the marriage covenant remind us of Christ's love for the church?
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Did God choose Deborah to remind the isrealites they can keep the covenant?

no he choose samuel

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God isn't real

Why do catholics have statues in the church?

Because they remind of us the saints or beings they represent. They are beautiful.

What is the use of church murals in churches?

They look nice, and remind people of key events in history.

What is a charge in a wedding ceremony?

The purpose of the charge is to remind the couple of their individual duties and roles in the marriage and prepare them for the vows they are about to take.

What is the significance of the crowns during a Russian Orthodox marriage?

In a Russian Orthodox marriage ceremony, the crowns symbolize the couple's unity and equality in marriage. The crowns are placed on the heads of the couple by the priest, representing their status as the king and queen of their own little kingdom, their family. The crowns also serve as a reminder of their commitment to each other and to God.

The half-way covenant was created in the mid-1700s in order to?

The Half-Way Covenant was created in the mid-1600s in the American colonies in order to allow the children of church members who had not experienced a conversion experience to be baptized and become partial church members. This was done to maintain church membership and relevance in the face of declining religious fervor.

How do pianos remind Catholics of their faith?

They don't really do much to remind Catholics of their Faith, they are just instruments. Besides, a lot of churches use organs and other instruments. They are merely musical instruments. They could at best remind you of the piano in your church reminding you but pianos themselves don't have any religious significance.

Where can you get a ring like Joe Jonas?

See the Related Link. And good for you, for wanting to wear a ring to remind you to stay sexually pure until marriage! :)

Are men gifts appropriate for anniversary's?

Yes they are because they are celebrating a sacred marriage year. You should definitely go for that. Get something to remind them of the happy wedding days.

How do I make my marriage last?

Remind yourself every day what brought you together in the first place and tell each other how much you love your spouse every day.

Your ex helped you through a real bad time and now you cant get over him why?

Because marriage is supposed to be forever and maybe Somebody upstairs is trying to remind you of that fact.