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Q: How does the mass of an object affect it' s acceleration during free fall?
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Does height affect acceleration?

the gravitational pull makes the object fall quicker. it doesn't matter about weith

How is the acceleration of an object in free-fall related to the acceleration due to gravity?

The acceleration in free fall IS the acceleration due to gravity, since "free fall" is the assumption that no forces other than gravity act on the object.

How does an object affect its accelration during free fall?

Without propellers, jets, or a parachute, an object can't to anything to affect its acceleration when it's falling. "Free fall" means moving under the influence of gravity only, with not even any air resistance. In that situation, on or near the surface of the Earth, acceleration is constant, regardless of the size, shape, mass, weight, or gender of the falling object. That number is 9.8 meters (32.2 feet) per second2 ... known as the acceleration of gravity on Earth.

What is the rate of acceleration an object encounters in free fall?

acceleration encountered by an object in free fall is 'g' or 9.8 m/s2

What is the relationship between free-fall acceleration and mass?

The rate of free-fall acceleration is a constant based upon the local gravity - on planet Earth the acceleration is 9.8m/s2. Mass is a function of the object being measured or observed, which can vary considerably. The two do not directly affect each other, but both taken together determine the force of the object in free-fall - by knowing the free-fall acceleration and the mass of the object, you can calculate how hard it will impact the Earth.

An object in free fall seems to be?

the object in free fall's acceleration depends on its mass

What is the acceleration of an object in free-fall?

On Earth, a free-falling object has an acceleration of 9.8 meters per second2.

What is the definition of free fall?

when the acceleration of the freely falling object is equal to the acceleration due to gravity then there occurs free fall.

In free fall do all objects fall with the same acceleration?

yes, objects fall at a rate of 9.8m/swith acceleration. For every second in free fall you must add 9.8m/s to get the acceleration of an object.

What is the acceleration of an object in a free fall at Earth's surface?

The acceleration is 9.807 meters per second squared.

Object falls at a constant what?

Objects fall at a constant acceleration. For an object on the planet Earth, that acceleration is 9.8m/s^2, or 32ft/s^2.

Why light and heavier object when fall through vacuum more side by side?

This is because the weight of an object does not affect the acceleration of that object due to gravity. At Earth's surface, the acceleration due to gravity is roughly 9.8m/s2, regardless of the mass of the object.What does differ with the mass of the object is the force of gravity. Force is equal to mass multiplied by acceleration. So a one kilogram object will fall with a force of roughly 9.8 meters squared per second squared, or 9.8 Newtons (N). A two kilogram object would fall with a force of about 19.6N (2kg * 9.8m/s2). This is why when -NOT- in a vacuum, items of different mass can fall at different rates. The additional force of the more massive object will better counter the force of friction with the air, allowing it to fall faster even though it's acceleration is the same.