

How does the moon move around earth?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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It orbits around Earth because of the mutual gravitational forces between

the Earth and the Moon, which attract them to each other.

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12y ago

the medel core keeps the moon in oribt

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The moon revolves around the Earth and the Earth revolves around the sun. The moon does not revolve around the sun.

Does the moon move around earth?

Yes. The moon orbits the Earth. Yes The moon orbits the earth. It is also coincidental that as it does so it revolves on its own axis once whic causes the same face of the moom to always face the earth.

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There is only one moon in orbit around the Earth. We call it the Moon.

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The moon moves counter-clockwise around the earh

How does the. Earth and moon move around the sun?

The earth is moving for both of tham.

Does the moon or the sun move?

Answer 1) They all move. But the moon moves around the earth which goes around the sun which is spinning.Answer 2) Both move. The sun rotates on a fixed point. The moon rotates arounds a fixed point and also rotates around the Earth.

Do moon move?

The moon moves because its rotates around the earth so yes

Does the moon move west or east?

The moon roates around the earth from east to west.

How long does it take for the earth and moon to move around the earth?

The Earth and moon revolve around their mutual center of mass every 27.32 days.

Why does the moon chase the sun?

It doesn't. The Moon moves around Earth; both together move around the Sun.

Why does the moon seem to move as you move?

Because the earth and moon moving around the Sun in their own orbits . When we move it looks the moon is moving. But moon is not moving but our motion looks like the Moon is moving.