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Q: How does the movement of matter and energy through biological systems impact you?
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Where do mechanical transfer energy?

they transfer energy through sound water and air.

What is the importance of enzymes to biological systems?

Enzymes decrease the amount of activation energy required for chemical reactions to occur.

Energy flows into the biological world from?

The Sun is the primary source of all biological energy. This biological energy is then transferred from one source to another through a variety of steps. Nature performs this transfer.

What is the value equal to the enthalpy minus temperature times entropy?

free energy. this is gibbs free energy in biological systems

What is rhythmic movement that carries energy through matter or space?

A wave is a rhythmic movement that carries energy through matter or space.

What is biological energy transducers?

transforms one mode of energy to another.this is the fundamental physical basis of the sensory response of most biological systems to their environments.during oxidative phosphorylation conversion of chemical energy to muscle contraction and relaxation

What is Bio-energetics theory?

Bioenergetics; it is the qualitative study of energy relationships and energy conversions in biological systems . Example; .respiration in mitochondria

How does the suns energy enter the biological world?

The sun's energy enters the biological world through photosynthesis. Plants capture sunlight and convert it into chemical energy in the form of glucose through this process. This energy is then transferred through the food chain as organisms consume plants or other organisms.

What is the energy that travels through space?

Movement energy energy,sound energy and heat energy

What is the movement of energy through water?


What is the typical movement of energy through an ecosystem?

The typical movement of energy through an ecosystem is upward. This means that food flows through the different animals that eat each other.

How does energy move through hydroelectric energy?

energy moves through hydroelectric energy because of all the heating and the movement of the whole source