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The narrator, Nick Carraway, is Daisy's cousin.

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The narrator, Nick Carraway, knows Tom Buchanan because they were at Yale together, and he knows Daisy Buchanan because she is Tom's wife and they are cousins.

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Q: How does the narrator know Tom and Daisy Buchanan?
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What is the relation of the narrator to the Buchanans in the book the great gatsby?

The narrator, Nick Carraway, is cousin to Daisy Buchanan and becomes friends with her husband, Tom Buchanan, during the course of the story. Nick also serves as the intermediary between Daisy and Gatsby, who is in love with her.

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Daisy Buchanan's husband in "The Great Gatsby" is Tom Buchanan.

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Yes, Daisy Buchanan attended finishing school in Louisville before marrying Tom Buchanan.

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Nick knows Daisy and Tom Buchanan in "The Great Gatsby" because Daisy is Nick's cousin. He meets Tom through Daisy, as Tom is her husband.

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Pammy is Daisy Buchanan's daughter in The Great Gatsby. She is briefly mentioned in the novel as a young child who Daisy has with her husband, Tom Buchanan. Pammy's role in the story is minor, primarily serving as a symbol of Daisy and Tom's unfulfilling marriage.

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The Great Gatsby Where do the narrator's second cousin and her husband live?

The narrator's second cousin Daisy Buchanan and her husband Tom live in East Egg, which is a wealthy and elite area in Long Island.

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The characters in "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald include Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, Tom Buchanan, Jordan Baker, and Nick Carraway. These characters navigate themes of wealth, love, and the American Dream in the 1920s.

Who is Daisy Buchanan in the Great Fatsby?

Daisy Buchanan is a fictional character in F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel "The Great Gatsby." She is married to Tom Buchanan but has a romantic history with the novel's protagonist, Jay Gatsby. Daisy is portrayed as a shallow, materialistic woman who represents the decadence and moral corruption of the American upper class during the 1920s.

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In the first chapter of The Great Gatsby, none of the ladies mentioned have a baby. The characters introduced in this chapter are Daisy Buchanan, Jordan Baker, and Tom Buchanan.