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There's a tapping at the door.

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Q: How does the narrator of The Raven know that someone is outside his door?
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Related questions

When the narrator opened the door the first time in The Raven who was there?

When the narrator opened the door the first time in "The Raven," there was no one there. The narrator was puzzled by the empty space outside his door.

What happen in the beginning of the raven?

the narrator hears someone tap on the door.

What happened in the beginning of the raven?

the narrator hears someone tap on the door.

Who arrives at the narrator's door at night?

The raven

As The Raven begins what happens?

the narrator hears a gentle rapping at the door.

When the narrator opens the door and looks out he half expects to find?

When the narrator opens the door and looks out, he half expects to find the woman he had loved, who had passed away. "The Raven" is a poem written by Edgar Allan Poe.

The bird in the Raven announced his presence to the narrator of the poem by?

Rapping on the door (apex)

What fills the narrator heart with terror in stanza 3 in the raven?

In stanza 3 of "The Raven," the narrator's heart fills with terror as he hears a tapping at his chamber door, which he identifies as someone gently rapping. This unexpected sound startles him and adds to the sense of foreboding that permeates the poem.

How does the first stanza of The Raven relate to his later assumption that the raven is an agent of the supernatural?

The raven may be considered an agent of the supernatural because it first, according to the narrator, taps on the chamber door then on the window, but I believe the narrator "nodded, nearly napping," was unable to comprehend that the raven was tapping at the window from the beginning.

The bird in The Raven announces his presence to the narrator of the poem by?

rapping on the window

Where does the rapping come from at first Where does it come from the second time Story of The raven?

In the poem "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe, the rapping sound first comes from the narrator's encounter with the mysterious bird that taps on his chamber door. The second time the rapping occurs, it is revealed that the sound was actually the result of the narrator's deep sorrow and internal torment, signifying his descent into madness.

When the narrator opens the door and look out he half expects to find?

When the narrator opens the door and looks out, he half expects to find the woman he had loved, who had passed away. "The Raven" is a poem written by Edgar Allan Poe.