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In the world of financial management, a common principle is that great reward cannot be achieved without great risk. The balance between these two extremes governs the behavior of financial managers. Their job is to reap the highest returns on investments while limiting the amount of risk placed in each investment.

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Q: How does the notion of risk and reward govern the behavior of financial managers?
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What is financial self fulfilling prophecy?

A self-fulfilling prophecy essentially is that what you have convinced yourself is going to happen in your life is more likely going to happen. This notion applied not just to finances but to relationships, a job, attending school, etc. If you believe you aren't good enough to have a warm, close, intimate relationship you will subconsciously do things that ruin relationships. Same is true with finances. If you truly don't believe you deserve to have a stable financial life or that having lots of money is wrong you are more likely to make decisions that will sabotage making or saving money. You may whine and complain about not have enough money but your subconscious belief system overrides what you say you want.

How was the word finance derived?

From the Online Etymology Dictionary ( c.1400, "an end," from M.Fr. finance "ending, settlement of a debt," from M.L. finis "a payment in settlement, fine or tax," from L. finis "end." The notion is of "ending" (by satisfying) something that is due (cf. Gk. telos "end;" pl. tele "services due, dues exacted by the state, financial means." See also fine (n.)). The Fr. senses were gradually brought into Eng.: "ransom" (1439), "taxation" (1489); the sense of "manage money" first recorded in Eng. 1770. Finances "pecuniary resources" is from 1781. Financier is from 1618, originally of Fr. tax farmers; sense of "capitalist" is first recorded 1867. M.Fr. = Middle French M.L. = Middle Latin L. = Latin

How can managers manage change?

The first thing managers must be cognizant of, is that if there is anything that is steadfast and unchanging, it is change itself. Change is inevitable. It will always occur. How they handle that change will determine whether it leads to positive or negative outcomes. Organizations today must be flexible and ready to respond at any given moment to change. One problem today is that too many managers react to change rather than respond to it. Changes occur because of both internal and external driving forces. In other words, those things that occur within the organization are internal driving forces and are the responsibility of that organization. They may include, keeping up with the technological advances, employee morale, organization of equipment and machinery, changes in production, efficiency, and proficiency etc. The kinds of issues that occur outside the organization are called external driving forces and often are out of the control of the company, such as the kinds of things competition does, the economy, changes in demographics, changes in trends etc. Managers must be able to deal with these changes in the most appropriate way. One way is by ensuring open, honest, and direct communication between all levels, from management to front-line support staff. Good communication skills are critical to the organizational process. However, managers should know when to stop talking and start listening to the individuals placed under their charge. In other words, managers must listen to employees and their concerns, needs, and recommendations, and especially their recommendations. When employees voice their opinions and ideas and managers do not listen and respond to them, what happens after a while is that employees will stop giving their recommendations and ideas. In this case managers are then cut off from vital information that could have facilitated the choosing of best practices. Another way is to promote team-building. It is working through synergy. It's one of the only formulas where 2+2= 5. In other words, four people working together can accomplish more than if they were to work independent of each other. When change occurs, teams can deal with change in a better way through a mentality of common purpose, common cause. It develops camaraderie which always proves to achieve more positive results. Still, another way managers can deal with change, is to keep employees informed (good communication once again) as to why change is necessary. The mentally of "why fix the wheel if the wheel is not broken," must to put to rest. That kind of thought amounts to a status-quo mentality that will leave the company far behind the competition. Employees need to know why they are dealing with change and why it is important to the long-term stability and survivability of the organization. Another concern, is that in many organizations today, employees work in silos. You have seen these structures on farms. It is a tall structure used to store wheat, or grain. You will notice it does not have noticeable doors, windows, no connection with the outside world. When employees work in a silo (this is just an analogy), they concentrate of what they are doing and only on what they are doing which can promote - once again- a status-quo mentality. Thus, they do not acquire a full understanding of how what they do affects others, in either a positive or negative way, either within their office, department, or division. This may develop a comfort zone for them, where they are use to doing things only one way. When change comes, guess what? They become resistant to change which then leads to internal conflict. Managers must promote the notion of always working toward positive change. I hope the above helps you bit. I must admit I am not as articulate as I usually am. My mind is going the three different directions today. Best wishes!!

What are the advantages and disadvantages of corporate culture?

Advantages: you need this type organization where people come together to create something like an automobile, and not fear the loss of personal assets in case the enterprise fails. Corporation allows to take on risks, which would not be taken by anyone personally. Disadvantage stems from that same idea of risk. Risks that corporation takes do not go away, they are more or less shared by other parties: customers, creditors, and others who deal with a corporation. There is also a legal notion that corporation is a person. And can be sued. So directors of a corporation often make collective decisions that may negatively affect the rest of society, in order to make profit for shareholders. Collectivism is a problem in corporations just as it is in Socialism. Individually directors and other officers would not make decisions they otherwise make in a corporation. So you could say incentives are different.

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