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Small nuclei combine to form larger nuclei

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Look up the definition of "nuclear fusion".

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Q: How does the nuclear fusion creates new elements inside stars?
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What does nuclear fusion create inside of stars?

Inside the sun, nuclear fusion creates helium nuclei from...a. oxygen nuclei. b. beryllium nuclei.c. carbon nuclei.d. hydrogen nuclei.The answer is d. hydrogen nuclei.

How does nuclear produce new elements?

Inside stars, nuclear fusion combines smaller nuclei into larger nuclei, thus creating heavier elements

What creates gases and other elements?

The element hydrogen condensed out of the energetic subatomic particles that resulted from the Big Bang, and other elements were subsequently produced out of hydrogen, by the process of nuclear fusion, that takes place inside stars.

How Carbon is synthesized in stellar cores?

Carbon is synthesized from the nuclear fusion that occurs inside stars. The mass of a large or massive star creates conditions that allows more fusion to occur than just hydrogen to helium.

What makes it so hot inside a star?

Nuclear fusion.

When did Silver become an element?

Silver has always been an element. It was first created inside star by fusing together lighter elements using nuclear fusion.

Nuclear reaction taking place inside sun is called?

Nuclear fusion; hydrogen into helium.

How does silicon occur?

Silicon is a naturally occurring element. It, like all elements other than hydrogen, was formed inside of a star through the process of nuclear fusion.

What process inside the sun is responible for producing it visible light?

Nuclear fusion. A by-product of nuclear fusion is energy given off, that we see as visible light.

How nuclear fusion in a main sequence is different from nuclear fusion in a giant star?

Nuclear Fusion in a Giant Star involves Helium being fused into a hydrogen shell that surrounds the core, and Nuclear Fusion in a Main-Sequence star involves Hydrogen being fused into Helium to produce Energy inside of the core.

How is nuclear fusion in a main-sequence star is different from nuclear fusion in a giant star.?

Nuclear Fusion in a Giant Star involves Helium being fused into a hydrogen shell that surrounds the core, and Nuclear Fusion in a Main-Sequence star involves Hydrogen being fused into Helium to produce Energy inside of the core.

What kind of reaction occurs to produce energy inside a star?

Nuclear Fusion