

How does the owner of facebook earn money?

Updated: 1/8/2023
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12y ago

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Through advertising

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Q: How does the owner of facebook earn money?
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How much money do Facebook get?

, i am the owner of facebook and we get our money from every single person that has a facebook account mwhahahahahahahah

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How does Facebook earn money?

Advertising companies pay for space on Facebook pages, the amount of advertising money Facebook gets it larger than the amount it spends on it's workforce and servers, so Facebook makes profit.

What apps on Facebook can you earn money on?

There are several ways to earn money through Facebook (although I personally never tried myself):MAKE AN AD.Whenever I play Facebook, I always see those little ads on the side of every single page. On top of those ads there is a tiny button that says "Make an Ad" or something like that. I never pressed it before (since I don't require to make an ad) but if you have a company to advertise, you can always add one, but it may require money.MAKE A GAME.In the games I play there is always a way to use real money; to buy "Cash" (an example is "Facebook Credits"). If you make a game entertaining enough that the player will use real money to buy special items or do actions that "normal money" on the game can't, you will earn money!Those are all the ways I know. However, they are very challenging ways (since Facebook isn't an easy place to earn money) and I advise you to find another method.

How much money does a dance club owner earn?

It depends how sucessful your business is but you earn up to £85000 maximum a month.

How can I earn money using large Facebook group?

If you want to earn money from the Internet, this site is considered one of the best sites for profit from the Internet. Just register, complete opinion polls, and earn

Why did Facebook start using ads on their website?

They get paid to show advertisements.

What is the quickest way to earn money on YoVille on Facebook?

You go to the Sweets Factory or play games with friends.

Is there any cheat for money on mallworld on facebook and if there is how could you put the cheat?

Nope earn it or buy it..srry!

How do facebook twitter and orkut earn money?

Answer for this is simple. I am earning through social media like Facebook for my family. You can also try, it is simple. For more information visit the official website h ttps://b {Just remove the space and paste in new tab]